The amazing hobby tradition of War Head Civil War is now past us for another year - what a treat it was once again! I feel that this year's event was one of the best in the heritage's history, as the inspired rules package, team's hobby commitment and our joint enthusiasm for The Horus Heresy all helped to nourish a memorable gaming day. I've often stated that the wargaming hobby might be entirely different depending on who you surround yourself with - in a like-minded company where everyone feeds off each others' inspiration and shares the same gaming values, it's a creative and social joy like no other.

Civil War is as much about the journey as it is of the destination, as the preparations begin early on before the actual gathering. The tradition calls for secret mustering of new assets, unexpected reinforcements or completely new surprise armies, which are presented to other players in the morning of the gaming day. On Sunday we unveiled the secret schemes long in the making and took turns describing and displaying our 500 point patrols for other participants to admire. Some of the Thracian Insurgency armies had evolved into completely new iterations due to cool unit additions and we also witnessed three completely new forces - a White Scar Recon host, a Blood Angels "boots on the ground" task force and a Emperor's Children III Company Elites detachment! It was delightful to hear everyone describe their projects and get excited about the oncoming games, as stunners like Scott's unforeseen Xiphon Interceptor completely caught many of us off-guard!
The format this year was Horus Heresy patrols (500 points, one required Troop, no mandatory HQ, no more than 2 wounds on any model, max one model with a 2+ save, no vehicles with armour value total over 33) and skirmish gameplay. We played three rounds and the dynamics changed in each one - after the traditional duel on the first round the participants were paired for two-versus-two tag team games. The four-player Carnages wrapped the day up and final victory points were calculated; each scenario had many different mini-missions focused on maneuvering and objective control performed with any non-vehicle units. All in all the 500 point roster size worked perfectly, it was a fresh breeze of "grassroots meta" where Tactical Marines could shine and the size of the armies was a very feasible mini-project even for a busy hobbyist.
Sunday's epic games leave a deep craving for more amazing hobby with the crew - luckily War Head's Halloween in the Mortal Realms is just a couple of months away!
+ Civil War V Combat Camera: Facebook Gallery +
Round 1: Escalation (1v1)
10 Blood Angels vs White Scars 10
6 Dusk Raiders vs Dark Angels 14
14 Imperial Fists vs Alpha Legion 6
10 Emperor's Children vs World Eaters 10
Round 2: Battle Brothers (2v2)
20 Emperor's Children & World Eaters vs Alpha Legion & Dusk Raiders 0
6 Blood Angels & White Scars vs Dark Angels & Imperial Fists 14
Round 3: Carnage (4-way free-for-all)
Dark Angels 7
Blood Angels 0
Imperial Fists 5
World Eaters 6
Alpha Legion 2
White Scars 6
Emperor's Children 3
Dusk Raiders 5
Final Standings
1. World Eaters 36
2. Dark Angels 35
3. Imperial Fists 33
4. Emperor's Children 33
5. White Scars 22
6. Blood Angels 16
7. Dusk Raiders 11
8. Alpha Legion 8
Player: Teemu Valve
Legion: XII World Eaters
Army: 308th Void AssaultTROOP1: Assault Squad, Power Fist, Power Axe, Power Sword
ELITE1: Rapier Gun Platform, Gravis Heavy Bolter Battery
FAST1: Sky-Hunter Jetbikes, Volkite Culverins, Chainaxes
FAST2: 7 Seekers Squad, Kraken Boltguns
TRANSPORT1: Rhino APC, Combi-Bolter
Player: Olli Väre
Legion: III Emperor's Children
Army: 3rd Company Elites
HQ1: Legion Armistos, Master-Crafted Volkite Culverin
ELITE1: Apothecary, Power Lance
ELITE2: Rapier Gun Platform, Graviton Cannon
TROOP1: Despoilers, Power Sword, Power Lance, Vexilla, Phoenix Rapier and Sonic Shrieker
HEAVY1: Emperor's Children Kakophoni
Player: Noa Kaistinen
Legion: V White Scars
Army: The Outriders
ELITE: Legion Apothecary
TROOP1: Despoilers, 2x Power Axe, Heavy Chainsword, Artificer Armour
TROOP2: 5 Recon Marines, Nemesis Bolters, Nuncio-Vox
TROOP3: 8 Recon Marines, Shotguns, Power Glaive
TRANSPORT1: Rhino APC, Heavy Bolter, Dozer Blade

Player: Eric Raunio
Legion: I Dark Angels
Army: Strike Force Cadmos
HQ1: Legion Librarian, Force Sword, Deathwing
ELITE1: Dreadwing Interemptors, Plasma Burners, Plasma Incinerator
TRANSPORT1: Rhino APC, Twin-Linked Bolter
TROOP1: Legion Despoilers, Deathwing
TROOP2: Legion Tactical Squad, Ironwing
Player: Jaakko Björklund
Legion: VII Imperial Fists
Army: Strike Team Siegfried
HQ1: Legion Centurion, Magna Combi-Melta
TROOP1: Tactical Squad, Solarite Power Gauntlet
TROOP2: Tactical Squad, Solarite Power Gauntlet
TRANSPORT1: Rhino APC, Hunter-Killer Missile
TRANSPORT2: Rhino APC, Hunter-Killer Missile
TROOP3: Recon Squad, 2x Nemesis Bolters, Combi-Grenade Launcher
Player: Juha Nieminen
Legion: IX Blood Angels
Army: Task Force Uriel
HQ1: Legion Chaplain, Power Maul, Plasma-Pistol
TROOP1: Tactical Squad, Bayonets, Lightning Claw, Plasma Pistol
TROOP2: Tactical Support Squad, Rotor Cannons
HEAVY1: Heavy Support Squad, Missile Launchers
Player: Scott McGregor
Legion: XIV Dusk Raiders
Army: The Surgeon's Hand
HQ1: Callidus Assassin
TROOP1: 14 Tactical Marines, Legion Vexilla
ELITE1: Rapier Gun Platform, Quad Launcher, Incendiary Rounds
FAST1: Xiphon Interceptor, Ramjet Defraction Grid
Player: Joel Kinnunen
Legion: XX Alpha Legion
Army: Last Minute Ambush
ELITE1: Legion Apothecary
ELITE2: 6 Veterans, Heavy Flamer, Power Dagger, Banestrike Boltguns
TROOP1: Tactical Squad, Power Fist
TROOP2: Recon Squad, Nemesis Bolters
TRANSPORT1: Rhino APC, Twin-Linked Bolter