Report Vault

This page contains some of our most memorable gaming experiences. The battles have been fought on domestic and foreign soil and with differing mindsets; some are all about the narrative and thematics whereas others have been about representing our country on the highest competitive level. The diversity is one of the aspects that makes wargaming amazing.

Although the reports are written in Finnish, you should check them out just for the pictures! Most tournament reports include nice photographs of the participating armies - and the battlefields of course!

Campaigns - Our narrative hobby sprees

Campaign: Thracian Insurgency - Horus Heresy in the Feudal World of Thracia Rex
Campaign: Storm of Vengeance - Orks vs Imperium of Man
Campaign: Survivor Series - War Head Squad Building Challenge
Tournament: War Head Civil War V 
Tournament: War Head Civil War IV Picture Gallery

Tournament: War Head Civil War III part 1
Tournament: War Head Civil War III part 2

Tournament: War Head Civil War II part 1
Tournament: War Head Civil War II part 2

Tournament: War Head Civil War I 

Battle Reports - Sights and stories from our epic conflicts

Battle Report: Carnage in Karney's Valley - Sororitas, Astartes, Orks, Stormtroopers
Battle Report: Battle of Five Armies - Bretonnia, Dwarfs, High Elves, Dwarfs, Goblins

Battle Report: Seize the Witch - Adepta Sororitas vs Snakebite Orks
Battle Report: Curse of the Wulfen - Space Wolves vs Kroot Mercenaries
Battle Report: Glory Boys - Militarum Tempestus vs Bad Moon Orks
Battle Report: Entanglement in the River Cove - Orks vs Adeptus Mechanicus
Battle Report: The Drought Derby - Speed Freeks vs Kroot Mercenaries

Battle Report: Alien Antidote - Nurgle Death Guard vs Kroot Mercenaries
Battle Report: Airfield Assault - Inquisitorial Forces vs Eldar Infiltrators
Battle Report: Showdown at the Spider Coast - Orcs vs Lizardmen & Allies
Battle Report: The Jungle Siege - Orc Hordes vs Lizardmen & Allies
Battle Report: Road to Triad - Farsight Enclaves vs Dark Eldar
Battle Report: Road to Triad - Eldar vs Astra Militarum

Battle Report: Welcome to Gofftown - Orks vs Tau Empire
Battle Report: The Snake Circle - Empire vs Lizardmen
Battle Report: The Hunger Rush - Death Korps Renegades vs Space Sharks
Battle Report: Valley of Bloodshed - Space Sharks vs Bad Moons
Battle Report: Gorge of Coalgotha - Tyranids vs Space Sharks
Battle Report: Ride of the Valkyries - Elysian Drop Troops vs Tyranids

War Head Tournaments - A look into our own events


War Head Tournament Coverage: 30K Horus Heresy Echoes of Thracia, Act IV

War Head Tournament Coverage: 30K Horus Heresy Echoes of Thracia, Act I
War Head Tournament Coverage: 30K Horus Heresy Sparks in the Void Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K Friendly Fire Event


War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K Talvisota Warm-up Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 30K Horus Heresy "Death Incarnate" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Blood Bowl SM-Sarja, osakilpailu I
War Head Tournament Coverage: Age of Sigmar "Sanctioned Mayhem" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age "Bravery Reborn" Tournament


War Head Tournament Coverage: Age of Sigmar "Blood Upon the Snow"
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Song of Dice and Fire"
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age "Trail of Strife"
War Head Tournament Coverage: 30K Horus Heresy "Broken Empire" Campaign
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "First Contact 4" Rookies Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "In Good Company" Team Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Age of Sigmar "Brave the Elements"
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age "Autumn Rituals"
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Bad Moon Rising" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Blood Bowl World Cup Warm-up
War Head Tournament Coverage: 30K Horus Heresy "Ranks of Fortitude" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K War Head 100: Centurions Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age "The Dented Shield" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Spiky Bits" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Age of Sigmar "Many Meetings" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Age of Sigmar "Heroic Resonance" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age "Unbroken Spirit" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K Patrol Night Fight Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Blood Red Alert" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Age of Sigmar "Ancestral Plain" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 30K Horus Heresy "Proud to the End"
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age "Gift of Foresight" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Ride the Lightning" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age "Steadfast and Furious" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Age of Sigmar "Nowhere to Run" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Duality of Destruction" Doubles Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 30K Horus Heresy "Brave the Breach" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Adept of the Codex 2" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age "The Goblin Moors" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K Chainsword Fever Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Blood Bowl NAF Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 30K Horus Heresy Alliances Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Adept of the Codex" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age "The Deepest Lore" Tournament
War Head Tournament Gallery: Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Laspistols at Dawn" Tournament


War Head Tournament Coverage: Triad 4 War Head Invitationals 
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K Triad 4 Bravo Qualifier Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K Triad 4 Alpha Qualifier Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Horus Heresy "Theatre of Bones" 30K Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Blizzard Patrol" Tournament
War Head Tournament Results: The 9th Age "Raider's Pledge" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K War Head Rankings Launch Tournament
War Head Tournament Report: Horus Heresy "Tallarn Shattered" 30K Mega-Battle
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age "Gallant Stand" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Pact of Perdition" Doubles Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Age of Sigmar "Gleam of Battle" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Chant of Devastation" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age "Slayer's Instinct" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "The Hero's Welcome" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Ground Truth" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Age of Sigmar "The Realm's Welcome" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Horus Heresy "Operation Killswitch II" 30K Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age "Chaotic Order" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K Summer Heat Sauna Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Age of Sigmar "Sabres at Dawn" Release Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Shared Glory" Doubles Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Horus Heresy "The Red Gates" 30K Mega-Battle
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Emissaries of Ruin" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Secrets of Mars" Tournament
War Head Tournament Gallery: The 9th Age "Side by Side" Doubles Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Horus Heresy "Operation Killswitch" 30K Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire event
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "The Realspace Rave" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "The Fool's Luck" Doubles Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age "Ravenous Instinct" Tournament
War Head Tournament Gallery: Age of Sigmar "Code of Honour" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Fight Club Blood Bowl Bash III

War Head Tournament Report: Horus Heresy "Lines in the Sand" 30K Campaign
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K First Contact III Rookies Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K Talvisota Warm-Up Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age "Broken Blade" Tournament


War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Apocalypse Snow" Xmas Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Triad III War Head Invitationals 
War Head Tournament Coverage: Horus Heresy "Scars of Betrayal" 30K Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age "Planar Scouring" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K Triad III Bravo Qualifier Tournament

War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K Triad III Alpha Qualifier Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Crimson Horizon" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Horus Heresy "Veteran Journals" 30K Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age"Hour of the Beast" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Galaxy of Strife" Tournament 
War Head Tournament Coverage: Horus Heresy "Ashes of Choral" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age "Pledge of Iron" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Fuel to the Fire" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Cry Havoc" 8th Edition Launch Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Horus Heresy "Wrathful Descent" 30K Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age "The Blood Oath" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Swan Song" 7th Edition Farewell Tournament
War Head Tournament Report: Age of Sigmar "Treasure Quest" Campaign
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age "Burning Banners" Tournament

War Head Tournament Report: Horus Heresy "Crucial Ground" 30K Cityfight Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K "Out of the Shadows" Tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: Horus Heresy "Traitor's Hand" 30K Tournament

War Head Tournament Report: 40K Alliances 4
War Head Tournament Coverage: Cries of War 9th Age Fantasy Tournament
War Head Tournament Report: 40K Maanantaistelu Patrol Tournament
War Head Tournament Report: 40K First Contact II
War Head Tournament Coverage: Horus Heresy "Terminus Est" 30K tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K Rogue's Journal episode IV: Conquest or Calamity

2016 and before

War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K Rogue's Journal episode III: Imminent Breach
War Head Tournament Coverage: The 9th Age Fantasy Battle Talvisota Warmup

War Head Tournament Report: Horus Heresy "The Vile Hour" 30K tournament
War Head Tournament Report: Warkamorka Ork tournament
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K Rogue's Journal episode II: Coup d'état
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K Rogue's Journal episode I: All we are
War Head Tournament Gallery: 40K First Contact
War Head Tournament Report: 40K First Contact
War Head Helsinki Grand Tournament: Making of and pictures
War Head Helsinki Grand Tournament: Coverage and results
War Head Helsinki Grand Tournament: Army lists
War Head Tournament Coverage: ETC Training Day
War Head Tournament Report: 40K Alliances 3
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K Fanatic Warmup
War Head Tournament Coverage: 40K Surprise Attack!

War Head Tournament Report: Triad 2
War Head Tournament Report: 40K Alliances 2
War Head Tournament Report: 40K SpecOps
War Head Tournament Report: Triad
War Head Tournament Report: 40K Alliances
War Head Tournament Report: 40K Incursion 
War Head Tournament Report: 40K The Relic
War Head Tournament Report: 40K The Payback

Tournament Reports - Warriors on the road

Tournament Report: SN Battle Reports: No Retreat Horus Heresy V, Gibraltar 2024
Tournament Report: KuoFi Ry Horus Heresy: KuoLe Mökillä 2023
Tournament Report: SN Battle Reports: No Retreat Horus Heresy III, Gibraltar 2023
Tournament Report: Turku Fanatic 2019 Horus Heresy
Tournament Report: AdeptiCon 2017 40K Championships
Tournament Report: N&T 40K Talvisota 2017
Tournament Report: Turku Team Fanatic 2016 & PKP Kouvola 40K Tournament III
Tournament Report: Outokumpu OutoCon 2016 40K Tournament

Tournament Report: PKP Lahti Nemesis Wargaming 40K Tournament I
Tournament Report: N&T 40K Talvisota 2016
Tournament Report: Caledonian Uprising, Manchester, UK 2016
Tournament Report: Turku Fanatic 40K Syksy 2015
Tournament Report: PKP Kouvola 40K Tournament II
Tournament Report: PKP Kouvola 40K Tournament I
Tournament Report: Turku Fanatic 40K Kevät 2014

Tournament Report: Adepticon 2014 40K Championships
Tournament Report: Adepticon 2014 Model Galleries
Tournament Report: 40K European Team Championships 2014
Tournament Report: Nopat & Taktiikka 40K Talvisota 2014
Tournament Report: 40K European Team Championships 2013
Tournament Report: Nopat & Taktiikka 40K Tournament
Tournament Report: Nopat & Taktiikka 40K Gentlemen's Tournament
Tournament Report: Turku Fanatic 40K Syksy 2013
Tournament Report: Ropecon 2013 40K Tournament
Tournament Report: Tampere Reilukerho Grand Tournament II 2013
Tournament Report: Royal Family Pääsiäisturnaus 2013
Tournament Report: Tampere Reilukerho Grand Tournament I 2013
Tournament Report: Oulu ORLY 40K Christmas Tournament 2012
Tournament Report: Ropecon 2012 40K Tournament

Tournament Report: Nopat & Taktiikka Gentlemen's Bash 2011

Travelling Memories and Adventure Galleries

Dublin, Ireland: Hobby stores and architecture
Essen, Germany: Spiel 2014 Games Fair
Essen, Germany: Spiel 2013 Games Fair
Duisburg and Bonn, Germany: Hobby stores and Valley Market
Hamburg, Germany: Hamburger Tactica Miniatures Fair
Nürnberg, Germany: Ultra Comix Hobby Store
Nürnberg, Germany: IWA & Outdoor Classics Gun Show 2013

London, United Kingdom: Hobby stores
London, United Kingdom: The London Tower
London, United Kingdom: Comicbook stores
Chicago, United States: AdeptiCon 2017

Chicago, United States: AdeptiCon 2014
Chicago, United States: Travel sights
Chicago, United States: Hobby stores
Novi Sad, Serbia: European Team Championships and Travel sights
Hong Kong: Hobby stores

Hong Kong: Warden of the book paradise
Hong Kong: Travel sights I
Hong Kong: Travel sights II
Hong Kong: Return to the East

Force on Force Modern Combat Scenarios

Modern Combat Camera: The Alamo
Modern Combat Camera: Search and Rescue
Modern Combat Camera: Missing in Action
Modern Combat Camera: Persons of Interest
Modern Combat Camera: Back to the Alamo
Modern Combat Camera: All Units Irene
Modern Combat Camera: Fire Mission!
Modern Combat Camera: Boots on the Ground

Other Cool Stuff

Debrief: War Head Show of Force: Army Display Competition at Ropecon 2023

Article: Books by their covers (Games Workshop art book compilation)
Article: Greenskin Korner - Size matters (Orc model size comparison)

Gallery: War Head Helsinki Grand Tournament Painting Competition: Single Figures
Gallery: War Head Helsinki Grand Tournament Painting Competition: Squads
Gallery: Armies on Parade entries and display compilations

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