War on all fronts! The Blizzard Patrol was Fight Club's last casual WH40K fluff event before the competitive streak towards Triad 4 Invitationals in December. From the organizer's point of view it was very nice to witness exotic units, balanced rosters and exquisitely painted miniatures in addition to welcoming completely new generals to our tournaments. A great day of wargaming violence all in all!
9 Sampo Rosenberg vs Paavo Järvenpää 11
16 Niilo Kalakoski vs Toni Kääpä 4
5 Joel Jänis vs Topi Valtonen 15
0 Matti Niemelä vs Dale Tranter 20
20 Kimmo Kokkarinen vs Akseli Dekker 0
13 Bo Lostedt vs Jaakko Järvenkylä 7
0 Eetu Toiviainen vs Sami Keinänen 20
Second Round Pairings and Results
0 Kimmo Kokkarinen va Sami Keinänen 20
0 Niilo Kalakoski vs Dale Tranter 20
11 Bo Lostedt vs Topi Valtonen 9
20 Sampo Rosenberg vs Joel Jänis 0
7 Jaakko Järvenkylä vs Paavo Järvenpää 13
8 Matti Niemelä vs Akseli Dekker 12
Third Round Pairings and Results
11 Sampo Rosenberg vs Bo Lostedt 9
20 Sami Keinänen vs Dale Tranter 0
19 Topi Valtonen vs Paavo Järvenpää 1
13 Niilo Kalakoski vs Jaakko Järvenkylä 7
12 Eetu Toiviainen vs Kimmo Kokkarinen 8
17 Joel Jänis vs Akseli Dekker 3
Final Standings
1. Sami Keinänen, Imperium 70
2. Dale Tranter, Aeldari 58
3. Sampo Rosenberg, Ultramarines 53
4. Topi Valtonen, Space Wolves 50
5. Niilo Kalakoski, Inquisition 49
7. Bo Lostedt, Salamanders 44
8. Kimmo Kokkarinen, Tyranids 41
9. Paavo Järvenpää, Necrons 36
10. Matti Niemelä, Imperium 35
11. Jaakko Järvenkylä, Ultramarines 35
12. Joel Jänis, Imperium 27
13. Akseli Dekker, Cult Mechanicus 27
14. Toni Kääpä, Emperor's Children 25
Best Army Award: Dale Tranter, Craftworld Eldar
Kimmo Kokkarinen
Tyranids Kraken Battalion +5CP
HQ1: Winged Hive Tyrant (190), WARLORD: One Step Ahead, Chameleonic Mutation, Adrenal Glands (5), Toxin Sacs (4), Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms (14), Monstrous Rending Claws [213]
HQ2: Swarmlord [300]
TROOP1: 19 Genestealers, 19x Scything Talons, 4x Acid Maw [228]
TROOP2: 20 Hormagaunts [100]
TROOP3: 9 Warriors, 5x Deathspitters (25), 3x Venom Cannon (60), 9x Boneswords (18), 9x Adrenal Glands (9) [297]
ELITE: Venomthropes [90]
Tyranids Kronos Battalion +5CP
HQ1: Neurothrope [70]
HQ2: Neurothrope [70]
TROOP1: 11 Termagants [44]
TROOP2: 3 Ripper Swarms [33]
TROOP3: 3 Ripper Swarms [33]
ELITE: 3 Hive Guard (54), 3x Impaler Cannon (90) [144]
HEAVY: Carnifex (67), Enhanced Senses (10), Spore Cysts (10), Bone Mace (2), Heavy Venom Cannon (25), Two Deathspitters with Slimer Maggots (14) [128]
Jaakko Järvenkylä
Spearhead Detachment, Ultramarines
HQ1 Techmarine (57), Power Axe (5), Servo Arm (12), Combi-plasma (15), The Armour Indomitus, WARLORD: Adept of the Codex [77]
Heavy1 Predator(90), Twin Lascannon(50), Two Lascannons(50) [190]
Heavy2 Predator(90), Twin Lascannon(50), Two Lascannons(50) [190]
Heavy3 Predator(90), Twin Lascannon(50), Two Heavy Bolters(20) [160]
Heavy4 Vindicator(125), Demolisher Cannon(0), Hunter-killer missile(6) [131]
Heavy5 Vindicator(125), Demolisher Cannon(0), Hunter-killer missile(6) [131]
Heavy6 Vindicator(125), Demolisher Cannon(0) [125]
Vanguard Detachment, Ultramarines
HQ2 Chief Librarian Tigurius(130), Bolt Pistol(0), Rod of Tigurius(0) [130]
Psychic powers{Smite, Might of Heroes, Psychic Scourge, Psychic Fortress}
Elite1 Contemptor Dreadnought(98), Dreadnough combat weapon(40), Kheres pattern assault cannon(25), Combi-bolter(2) [165]
Elite2 Contemptor Dreadnought(98), Dreadnough combat weapon(40), Kheres pattern assault cannon(25), Combi-bolter(2) [165]
Elite3 Contemptor Dreadnought(98), Dreadnough combat weapon(40), Kheres pattern assault cannon(25), Combi-bolter(2) [165]
Heavy7 Thunderfire Cannon(121) [121]
Bo Lostedt
Salamanders & Imperial Knights
Salamanders battalion detachment (+5CP):
HQ 1: Vulkan He'stan [154] Warlord: Anvil of Strength
HQ 2: Librarian (88), Power Axe (10) [98] Veil of Time, Might of Heroes
Troop 1: Tactical squad (78), 1 x Power Axe (0) [83]
Troop 2: Intercessor squad (90), 1 x Auxiliary grenade launcher (1) [91]
Troop 3: Intercessor squad (90), 1 x Auxiliary grenade launcher (1) [91]
Elite 1: Terminator assault squad (130), 2 x Thunder hammer / Storm shield (42), 3 x Lightning claws (36), Teleport homer [208]
Elite 2: Primaris Ancient [69]
Heavy support 1: Land Raider Redeemer (244), 2 x Flamestorm cannon (60), 1 x Twin assault cannon (44), 1 x Hunter-killer missile, 1 x Multi-melta, 1 x Storm bolter (2) (27) [383]
Heavy support 2: Hellblaster squad (90), 5 x Assault plasma incinerators (102), 1 x Plasma pistol (7) [217]
House Raven super heavy auxiliary detachment (+0CP):
Lord of War: Armiger Warglaives (320), 2 x Meltagun (34) [354]
Cult Mechanicus
HQ1. Belisarius Cawl [240] WARLORD (trait: Static-Psalm Code)
HQ2. Tech-Priest Dominus (115), Macrostubber (2), Eradication ray (10), Omnissian axe (0) [127]
HQ3. Tech-Priest Enginseer (35), Laspistol (0), Omnissian axe (0), Servo-arm (12) [47]
Troop1. Skitarii Rangers (35), 2x Transuranic arquebus (50), Omnisepx (7) [92]
Troop2. Skitarii Rangers (35), Transuranic arquebus (25) [60]
Troop3. Skitarii Vanguard (40), 5 additional Vanguard (40), 3x Plasma caliver (42) [122]
Elite1. Cybernetica Datasmith (22), Gamma pistol (10), Power fist (12) [44] Relic: Autocaduceus of Arkhan Land
Elite2. Sicarian Infiltrators (80), 5x Flechette blasters (10), 5x Taser goads (20) [110]
Elite3. Sicarian Infiltrators (80), 5x Flechette blasters (10), 5x Taser goads (20) [110]
Heavy Support1. Onager Dunecrawler (90), Neutron laser (45), 2x Cognis heavy stubber (10), Smoke launchers (0) [145]
Heavy Support2. Kastelan Robots (130), 2 additional Kastelan Robots (130), 12 Heavy phosphor blasters (180) [440]
Fast Attack1. Sydonian Dragoons (59) 2 additional Sydonian Dragoons (118), 3x Taser lance (27), 2x Phosphor serpenta (8) [212]
Sampo Rosenberg
Space Marines
Battalion detachment: Space marines, Ultramarines (5CP)
HQ1: Captain (74), Plasma pistol (7), Chainsword, Teeth of Terra, Adept of the codex, Warlord [81]
HQ2: Lieutenant (60), bolt pistol, Chainsword [60]
HQ3: Librarian (88), Force sword (8), Plasma pistol (7), Might of heroes, Psychic Scourge [103]
Troop1: Scout Squad (55), Heavy Bolter (10) [65]
Troop2: Tactical Squad (65), Plasma pistol (7), Power fist (12), Meltagun (17) [101]
Troop3: Tactical Squad (65), Plasma pistol (7), Meltagun (17) [89]
Elite1: Vanguard Veteran Squad (80), Jump packs (10), 3xTwin lightning claw (36), 2xStorm shield (10), 2xThunder hammer (32) [168]
Elite2: Venerable Dreadnought (90), Twin lascannon (50), Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter (42) [182]
Heavy support1: Devastator Squad (65), 3xlascannon (75), Heavy bolter (10) [150]
Heavy support2: Devastator Squad (65), 2xMissile launcher (50), Heavy bolter (10) [125]
Flyer: Stormtalon Gunship (110), Twin assault cannon (44), Two lascannons (50) [204]
Transport: Rhino (70), 2xstorm bolter (4) [74]
Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment: Imperial Knights, House Hawkshroud (0CP)
Lord of War: 2x Armiger Helverin (340), 2xHeavy stubber (8) [348]
Niilo Kalakoski
Inquisition & Space Marines
Ordo Hereticus Vanguard(+1CP, 726 points)
HQ1: Inquisitor Karamazov(150)[150](Warlord: Tenacious survivor)
Elite1: 5 Ordo Hereticus Acolytes(40), 3 plasmaguns(39), 2 boltguns(0)[79]
Elite2: 5 Ordo Hereticus Acolytes(40), 3 meltaguns (51), boltgun(0)[91]
Elite3: Jokaero Weaponsmith(18), digital weapons(20)[38]
Heavy1: Ordo Hereticus Land Raider Prometheus(290), 2 quad heavy bolters(72), hunter-killer missile(6)[368]
Ministorum Vanguard(+1 CP, 523 points)
HQ2: Uriah Jacobus(100)[100]
Elite4: Ministorum priest(35), laspistol(0), chainsword(0)[35]
Elite5: 10 Crusaders(150)[150]
Elite6: 9 Arco-flagellants(135)[135]
Transport1: Immolator(68), Immolation flamer(35)[103]
Red Hunters Patrol(+1CP, 500 points)
Chapter Tactics: Master artisans(Salamanders)
HQ3: Chaplain Venerable dreadnought(120), twin lascannon(50), dreadnought close combat weapons(40), storm bolter(2)[212]
Troop1: Tactical Squad(65), meltagun(17), combi-melta(19), poweraxe(5)[106]
Elite7: Venerable dreadnought(90), twin lascannon(50), dreadnought combat weapon(40), storm bolter(2)[182]
Matti Niemelä
Cadians & Imperial Knights
Cadian Brigade Detachment +12 CP
HQ1: Company Commander (30), Bolt Pistol (1), Warlord(Grand Strategist), Hairloom(The Deathmask of Ollanius) [31]
HQ2: Company Commander (30), Bolt Pistol (1), Chainsword(0) [31]
HQ3: Company Commander (30), Bolt Pistol (1), Chainsword(0) [31]
HQ4: Tank Commander (167), Battle Cannon (22), Heavy Bolter (8) [197]
HQ5: Tank Commander (167), Battle Cannon (22), Heavy Bolter (8) [197]
Troop1: Infantry Squad (40), Plasmagun (7) [47]
Troop2: Infantry Squad (40), Plasmagun (7) [47]
Troop3: Infantry Squad (40), Plasmagun (7) [47]
Troop4: Infantry Squad (40), Plasmagun (7) [47]
Troop5: Infantry Squad (40), Plasmagun (7) [47]
Troop6: Infantry Squad (40), Plasmagun (7) [47]
Elite1: Platoon Commander (20), Bolt Pistol (1) [21]
Elite2: Platoon Commander (20), Bolt Pistol (1) [21]
Elite3: Platoon Commander (20), Bolt Pistol (1) [21]
Fast1: Scout Sentinel (35), Autocannon (12) [47]
Fast2: Scout Sentinel (35), Autocannon (12) [47]
Fast3: Scout Sentinel (35), Autocannon (12) [47]
Heavy1: Heavy Weapon Squad (18), Mortar (5), Mortar (5), Autocannon (12) [40]
Heavy2: Heavy Weapon Squad (18), Mortar (5), Mortar (5), Autocannon (12) [40]
Heavy3: Heavy Weapon Squad (18), Mortar (5), Mortar (5), Autocannon (12) [40]
Heavy4: Leman Russ (122), Punisher (20), Heavy Bolters (3*8) [166]
Imperial Knights - Super Heavy Auxiliary Detachment +0 CP
LOW1: Knight Crusader (285), Thermal Cannon (76), Avenger Gatling Cannon (75), Heavy Stubber (4), Heavy Flamer (17), Twin Icarus Autocannon (30) [487]
Joel Jänis
Adeptus Custodes & Grey Knights
== Battalion Detachment == Adeptus Custodes (1044 points) (49 Power Level) 5 CP
HQ1: Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150) Hurricane Bolter (10) Misericordia, [Relic: Auric Aquilas] [164] [9PL]
HQ2: Captain-General Trajann Valoris [250] [Warlord: Champion of the Imperium] {10 PL}
Troops1: 3x Custodian Guard Squad (120), 3x Guardian Spear (36), 3x Misericordia (12) [168] {8 PL}
Troops2: 3x Custodian Guard Squad (120), 3x Guardian Spear (36), 3x Misericordia (12) [168] {8 PL}
Troops3: 3x Custodian Guard Squad (120), 3x Guardian Spear (36), 3x Misericordia (12) [168] {8 PL}
Elite1: Vexillus Praetor (80), Vexilla Magnifica (30), Guardian Spear (12), Misericordia (4) [126] {6 PL}
== Vanguard Detachment == Grey Knights (705 points) (43 Power Level) 1 CP
HQ1: Lord Kaldor Draigo (Psychic Powers: Gate of Infinity, Purge Soul) [240] {12 PL}
Elite2: Apothecary (90), Nemesis Warding Stave (0) (Psychic Power: Sanctuary) [90] {5 PL}
Elite3: Paladin Ancient (140), Storm bolter & falchion (2) (Psychic Power: Gate of Infinity) [142] (7PL}
Elite4: Paladin Squad, 3x Paladin with Halberd (165), Paragon (55), Nemesis Daemon Hammer (13) (Psychic Power: Hammerhand) [233] {19 PL}
Toni Kääpä
Emperor's Children
Battalion Detachment +5CP [1744] (Emperors children)
HQ1: Chaos lord on steed of slaanesh (94), <Emperors children> power maul (4), (artefact of chaos:The black mace) (warlord trait: Unholy fortitude) – [98]
HQ2: Chaos sorcerer with jump pack (114), <Emperors children> power stave (14) (Prescience, Death hex) – [128]
HQ3: Dark apostle: (72), <Emperors children> power maul (4) – [76]
Troop 1: 20x chaos cultist (80), <Emperors children> [80]
Troop 2: 6x Noise marines (90), <Emperors children> 4x Sonic blaster (16), 1x Blast master (20), power sword (4) – [130]
Troop 3: 5x Noise marines (75), <Emperors children> 1x Blast master (20) –[95]
Elite 1: 9x Possessed (198), <Emperors children> [198]
Fast 1: 6x Raptors (102), <Emperors children> 2x flamer (18), plasma pistol (7), power sword (4) – [131]
Fast 2: Chaos spawn <Emperors children> [33]
Heavy 1: 3x obliterators (195), <Emperors children> - [195]
Heavy 2: Defiler (152), <Emperors children> Battle cannon (0), reaper auto cannon (15), Twin heavy flamer (34), defiler claws (0) – [201]
Heavy 3: Forgefiend (119), <Emperors children> 2x hades autocannon (50), Daemon jaws (8), – [177]
Transport 1: Chaos rhino (70), <Emperors children> 1x combi bolter (2), havoc launcer (11) –[83]
Summon 1: 17x daemonettes [119]
Sami Keinänen
Astra Militarum, Imperial Knights
== Battalion Detachment, Astra Militarum, Valhallan ==
HQ1: Primaris Psyker (38), Force Stave (8), Nighthshroud, Psychic Barrier [46]
HQ2: Company Commander (30), Chainsword (0), Bolt Pistol (1), Warlord, OLD GRUDGES, Pietrov's MK45 [31]
TROOP1: 5 Militarum Tempestus Scions (45), 2 Plasma Guns (26), Plasma Pistol (5) 2 Hot-Shot Lasguns (2) [78] (Militarum Tempestus)
TROOP2: Infantry Squad (40), Chainsword (0) [40]
TROOP3: Infantry Squad (40), Chainsword (0), Flamer (7) [47]
FAST1: Hellhound (73), Inferno Cannon (20), Heavy Bolter (8) [101]
HEAVY1: Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortars (15) [33]
== Battalion Detachment, Astra Militarum, Valhallan ==
HQ1: Tank Commander (167), Executioner PC (20), 3 Heavy Bolters (24) [211]
HQ2: Company Commander (30), Chainsword (0) [30]
TROOP1: 20 Conscripts (80) [80]
TROOP2: Infantry Squad (40), Chainsword (0) [40]
TROOP3: Infantry Squad (40), Chainsword (0) Plasma Gun (7) [47]
FAST1: Scout Sentinel (35), Autocannon (12) [47]
HEAVY1: Basilisk (100), Heavy Bolter (8) [108]
== Super-Heavy Detachment, Imperial Knights, House Hawkshroud ==
LOW1: Knight Crusader (285), Thermal Cannon (76), Avenger Gatling Cannon (75), Heavy Flamer (17), Heavy Stubber (4), Ironstorm Missile Pod (16) [473]
LOW2: Armiger Helverin (170), Heavy Stubber (4) [174]
LOW3: Armiger Warglaive (160), Heavy Stubber (4) [164]
Topi Valtonen
Space Wolves
Space Wolves Outrider Detachment +1CP
HQ1: Darwen Stormwolf: Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf(118), Thunder Hammer(21), Storm Shield(15), Warlord: Saga of the Bear, Relic: The Armour of Russ[154]
HQ2: Bjorn Stormwolf: Bjorn the Fell-Handed(180), Heavy Flamer(17), Helfrost Cannon(25), +1CP[222]
FA1: Kingsguard: Thunderwolf Cavalry(120), Champion w/ Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield(26), Power Fist and Wolf Claw(22), Storm Shield and Chainsword(10)[178]
FA2: Huscarls: Thunderwolf Cavalry(120), Champion w/ Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield(26), 2x Wolf Claw and Storm Shield(40)[186]
FA3: Kai: Cyberwolf[15]
FA4: Trystan: Cyberwolf[15]
Space Wolves Battalion Detachment +5CP
HQ1: Wolf Guard Battle Leader(60), Pair of Wolf Claws(14)[74]
HQ2: Wolf Priest(75), Relic: The Wulfen Stone[75]
HQ3: Rune Priest(88), Runic Axe(12), Plasma Pistol(7), Runic Armour(7), Psychic Hood(5), Tempest Wrath, Storm Caller[119]
Troop1: Grey Hunters(65), Power Fist(12), Plasma Pistol(7), Plasma Gun(13), 4x Chainsword(0)[97]
Troop2: Grey Hunters(65), Power Axe(5), Plasma Pistol(7), 4x Chainswords(0)[74]
Troop3: Blood Claws(65), Power Sword(4), Flamer(9)[78]
Elite1: Venerable Dreadnought(90), Fenrisian Great Axe(50), Blizzard Shield(15)[155]
Elite2: Venerable Dreadnought(90), Great Wolf Claw(45), Storm Bolter(2), Assault Cannon(22)[159]
Transport1: Rhino(70), Storm Bolter(2)[72]
Transport2: Rhino(70), 2x Storm Bolter(4)[74]
Eetu Toiviainen
Minotaurs (Iron Hands chapter tactic)
HQ1 Lord Asterion Moloc [200] WARLORD: Champion of Humanity
HQ2 Primaris Lieutnant (70) Power sword (4) [74]
HQ3 Hecaton Aiakos (220) Heavy Plasmacannon (30)Dreadnought Combatweapon (40) [290]
Elite1 Primaris Ancient [69] Relic: Standard of The Emperor Ascendant
Elite2 6xAggressor (126), 6x Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets (72), 6x Fragstorm grenade launcher (24) [222]
Troop1 6x Intercessor [108]
Troop2 6x Intercessor [108]
Troop3 5x Intercessor [90]
Super-Heavy Auxiilary Detachment
Knight Valiant (500) 4xShieldbreaker missile (48) Twin Siegebreaker Cannon (35) [583]
Paavo Järvenpää
Mephrit Battalion
Destroyer Lord : Artefact:The Veil of Darkness, Resurrection Orb, Warscythe - Warlord Trait : Immortal Pride [ 156pts ]
Cryptek : Canoptek Cloak, Staff of Light [ 85pts ]
5 Immortals [ 85pts ]
12 Necron Warriors [ 144pts ]
12 Necron Warriors [ 144pts ]
C'tan Shard of the Nightbringer [ 210pts ] -Powers of the C'tan: Cosmic Fire, Transdimensional Thunderbolt
6 Canoptek Scarabs [ 78pts ]
6 Destroyers [ 300pts ]
1 Destroyer [ 50pts ]
Heavy Destroyer [ 57pts ]
Heavy Destroyer [ 57pts ]
Monolith [ 381pts ]
Dale Tranter
Alaitoc Eldar
Alaitoc Battalion
Farseer [6 PL, 110pts]: Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade
Spiritseer [3 PL, 65pts]: Shuriken Pistol
Spiritseer [3 PL, 65pts]: Shuriken Pistol
Rangers [3 PL, 60pts]: 5x Ranger [60pts]
Rangers [3 PL, 60pts]: 5x Ranger [60pts]
Rangers [3 PL, 60pts]: 5x Ranger [60pts]
Ynnari Spearhead Detachment
Yvraine [7 PL, 132pts]
Dire Avengers [6 PL, 124pts]. 9x Dire Avenger [108pts]: 9x Avenger Shuriken Catapult [36pts]. Dire Avenger Exarch [16pts]: Two Avenger Shuriken Catapults [8pts]
Howling Banshees [6 PL, 107pts]. 7x Howling Banshee [91pts]: 7x Power Sword [28pts]. Howling Banshee Exarch [16pts]: Shuriken Pistol & Executioner [7pts]
Shining Spears [14 PL, 281pts]. 8x Shining Spear [248pts]: 8x Laser Lance [64pts], 8x Twin Shuriken Catapult [40pts]. Shining Spear Exarch [33pts]: Star Lance [10pts], Twin Shuriken Catapult [5pts]
Shining Spears [14 PL, 281pts]. 8x Shining Spear [248pts]: 8x Laser Lance [64pts], 8x Twin Shuriken Catapult [40pts]. Shining Spear Exarch [33pts]: Star Lance [10pts], Twin Shuriken Catapult [5pts]
Swooping Hawks [3 PL, 65pts]. 5x Swooping Hawk [65pts]: 5x Lasblaster [35pts]
Dark Reapers [13 PL, 340pts]. 9x Dark Reaper [306pts]: 9x Reaper Launcher [198pts]. Dark Reaper Exarch [34pts]: Reaper Launcher [22pts]
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