May 21, 2019

Move, move move!

Poromagian ja War Headin myymälä ja turnaustoiminta muuttavat pian uusiin toimitiloihin! Löydät meidät jatkossakin Pasilan Opastinsillalta - toivotamme kaikki tervetulleiksi avajaisfestareille 28.-30. kesäkuuta!

The gaming entertainment operation of Poromagia and War Head is changing coordinates this summer! We won't go far though, as the new premises are right across the street from our current location in Opastinsilta 8 A. The brand-new store will be built to the ground floor whereas the gaming area will have its own, dedicated space upstairs. Exciting times!

The re-opening weekend of 28-30th of June will host many different events, as well as an open second-hand market which is an opportunity for you to sell your old gaming stuff (not limited to miniatures). We will also celebrate the occasion with several special offers, a War Head Classics Bazaar and a casual 40K patrol tournament of our own. Stay tuned for more information!

We'd like to thank everyone for their support and participation in the current location, and we hope we get to serve you with the same drive in the new base. Let's make it a good one!

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