The War Head crew is passionate about classic Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Fantasy Battle, The Horus Heresy and visual arts. Whether it’s a long-planned battle, an exciting tournament journey, or simply surprising each other with newly-finished miniatures, our aim is to live the hobby life to the fullest. Shared inspiration is what it's all about!
War Head is a tight-knit wargaming team as well as a hobby and miniatures retailer in co-operation with Poromagia. Our social medias are about showcasing miniature painting and wargaming content, our personal model galleries, gaming sessions, commission work and terrain builds, as well as our involvement in the scene around us. This content is a glimpse into the hobby we share within the team, working for and with each other to take our craft to the next level. We're excited to share some of these experiences with you!
War Head, Founder, Author
Wargaming since: 2001Trademark army: World Eaters 308th Void Assault
Current projects: Campaign Terrain, Secret Civil War schemes
"Constantly 40K-driven but interested in several game systems, I've tried to embrace both the competitive and the artistic sides of the hobby. Scratchbuilding, army painting, completed unique forces and exciting battles are where it's at."

Brush Wizard, Game boy
Wargaming since: 2003Trademark army: The Imperial Fists
Current projects: Horus Heresy Iron Warriors, Horus Heresy Night Lords
"The single best guy to work on projects with, Ollie's modelmaking skills, ideas and painting supremacy just keep on inspiring. As our showcase model specialist Ollie is a regular entrant in domestic painting competitions, often performing with golden success!"

Visual engineer, Sensei
Wargaming since: 2000Trademark army: Tempestus Stormtroopers "The Crimson Lightning"
Current projects: Horus Heresy Dark Angels, Imperial Militia
"Eric is one of those dedicated artistic hobbyists who always have a new project bubbling under. In addition to concentrating in improving his Lord of the Rings miniatures collection, Eric is also a serious enthusiast in the historical wargames genre."
Waaaaghlord, Brute
Wargaming since: 2001Trademark army: Greenskinz!
Current projects: Halflings for Moot Rebellion
"The biggest and most intense battles won't happen without Hese around. Always contemplating on a new campaign or a scenario concept, we've had countless of memorable skirmishes and mega battles together. Massive armies, massive fun!"
Hive Mind, Master of Darkness
Wargaming since: 2000 Trademark army: Hive Fleet Nostromo Alienids
Current projects: Talons of the Emperor
"A great addition to the War Head roster, Johannes has entered the active wargaming world again after a few on/off-years. Known for playing only movement and assault phases in 40K, this fluff purist is a valuable asset for the War Head field operations."
Mentor, Overlord
Wargaming since: 80'sTrademark army: Elysian Drop Detachment 77
Current projects: Necromunda and Bolt Action
"Juha is War Head's revered veteran and adds a pinch of historical spice to our games variety. In addition to being known as a true fluff gamer and as the promoter in the Finnish Force on Force gaming scene, Juha has been pioneering historical gaming in the domestic circles."
Warsmith, Battle-brother
Wargaming since: 2006Trademark army: Iron Warriors
Current projects: Horus Heresy White Scars
"Our most trusted tournament substitute has a collection of Perturabo's disciples for both 30K and 40K systems. Noa's vision for scratch-built armies has begun to bloom during the recent years, paving way for projects such as Killa-Kult Mekanikus."
The Assembly Line, Sir Back Up
Wargaming since: 2007Trademark army: Saim-Hann Eldar
Current projects: Horus Heresy Blood Angels
"Ville has to be one of the most energetic miniature painters in Finland, completing a detachment after another on an almost weekly basis. Some of his mini-projects are for gaming and some just inhabit cabinet shelves, but the hobbyist's drive to get stuff done is unrivaled."
Associates and partners
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All associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Blood Bowl game, the Warhammer world, the Talisaman world, and the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2025, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.